by Engaging Nutrition | Healthy Eating |
Sleepovers are a right of passage of childhood. Remember the excitement of sleeping in your best friend’s room, sharing stories late into the night, and all that junk food? Sleepovers can be challenging for any family trying to eat healthy. If your child struggles...
by Engaging Nutrition | Food Allergies, Pregnancy |
Why would I need to follow a milk-free diet while I’m breastfeeding? Some babies (breastfed or formula-fed) develop a cow’s milk protein sensitivity or allergy. This means that your baby’s body thinks the proteins in cow’s milk (called casein and whey) are allergens....
by Engaging Nutrition | Food Allergies |
What is a soy allergy? If your child has been diagnosed with a soy allergy, his immune system “over-reacts” when he eats or drinks soy protein. He may show signs of an allergic reaction, such as hives, rashes, wheezing, or vomiting. If your doctor thinks your child...
by Engaging Nutrition | Meal Planning |
Fall is here, and with that has come the shifting schedules of back-to-school. Now you’re back trying to get a half-decent meal on the table when you’re shuttling between three after-school activities! Here are some tips to help you prepare healthy fall family...
by Engaging Nutrition | Healthy Eating |
Whatever the sport – from football to gymnastics – your teenaged athlete has unique nutritional needs. Below we tackle some of the major nutrition concerns for active adolescents. Hydration We tend to overlook hydration in many kids, especially athletes. Dehydration...