Long considered the “most important” meal of the day, breakfast is very important for your school-aged child. We know it’s not easy getting kids to eat before they fly out the door. For extra motivation, here are six reasons why children need breakfast:
1. Better grades
Years of research studies have shown that children who eat breakfast do better in school. In particular, it improves short-term memory. For kids who participate in school breakfast programs, the academic improvement is partly because of reduced absenteeism and tardiness, an added bonus.
2. More focused in school
Research (and teachers!) finds that children who eat breakfast are better focused and less distracted during class. Think about how you feel when you’re trying to do an important task while you’re hungry. You probably become frazzled and eager to get it over with. Not an ideal situation for your learning child.
3. Less belly-rumbling mid-morning
Since kids in school are only able to eat when the teacher allows, make sure they go to school with a full belly. You don’t want them to have growling stomachs partway through the morning, only to know that their snack time isn’t for another couple of hours.
4. More energy to play
It’s worth reminding ourselves that the reason we need to eat is to give our bodies energy. For active kids who play after-school sports (or run around at recess or gym class), breakfast starts the day with a balanced meal. It provides growing bodies the fuel they need to excel physically.
5. It creates a healthy habit
Research on adults shows there may be additional benefits for adults who eat breakfast regularly. These include lower risk of heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure, as well as better blood sugar control. Teaching your child to eat breakfast now is a healthy habit they may be more likely to continue into adulthood.
6. It’s a meal you can control
Regardless of what other dietary choices your child makes throughout the rest of the day, you know he’s started his day with a healthy breakfast. You can make sure he gets protein, whole grains, some fruit, and a guaranteed dose of necessary vitamins and minerals.
We hope these reasons children need breakfast motivate you to give more importance to this meal. Please also check out this post that explains why serving meal leftovers for breakfast can be a great idea!
Do you need advice on how you and your child can develop a healthier breakfast routine? We’re here to help. Contact us today!
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