Yesterday’s leftover food can be a great breakfast option for the next day. Not convinced? Here are some good reasons to serve meal leftovers for breakfast:
1. You are likely to consume more protein
Breakfast is the meal of champions, right? It can be difficult to feel like a champion when you aren’t satiated or full. Choosing leftovers from dinner, for instance, chicken breast with spinach and brown rice can give you an energy boost and keep you feeling focused all morning. It can be tough to get the right nutrients in your body when most of the breakfast foods contain refined carbohydrate.
2. You will enjoy eating in the morning
Often times we eat the same foods on repeat and don’t vary our intake. If you enjoyed your meal the day before, maybe you’ll be more likely to eat it again in the morning. Starting your morning strong with a balanced meal can help keep hunger at bay and prevent overeating later in the day.
3. Your kids will actually eat
Often times, my kids will ask for hummus or grilled cheese or peanut butter in the morning. What better way to send them out the door than with a happy and full belly? The bottom line is, it doesn’t matter if it’s breakfast or lunch foods, the key is the balance and variety. Try giving them a yogurt parfait for snack and peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread with banana for breakfast… yum!
4. It’s quick!
The meal has already been made so you can’t use the excuse that there’s no time to prepare. Just pre-portion, re-heat, and enjoy!
Do you have more great reasons to eat the previous day’s leftovers for breakfast? What lunch or dinner meals do you and your family enjoy eating in the morning? Let us know in the comments!